

Loan frames for Sotheby's 19th century European paintings sale

Posted: 12 Dec 2016 by PML

Paul Mitchell are loaning frames for works by Liebermann and Corot in Sotheby's upcoming 19th Century European paintings sale, December 14, 2016


Reframing JACOB VAN RUISDAEL’S Landscape with Waterfall and Castle, c. 1670, for The Dayton Institute of Art

Posted: 12 Dec 2016 by PWM

We were approached by Dr. Aimee Marcereau DeGalan (whilst curator at The Dayton Institute of Art), in a bid to find this beautiful landscape by Jacob Ruisdael a soul mate..!


FRAMES: The Cassetta, Part 2

Posted: 10 Dec 2016 by PML

In the first part of this article (The Cassetta Part 1), its ancestors, structure and development were described, along with some of the decorative techniques used to ornament it, such as punchwork and pastiglia. In this article, our focus is on parcel gilt finishing, specifically looking at arabesque ornament and exploring its origins..


Highlights from the Sotheby's December Old Masters Day and Evening Sales

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 by PML

We have selected our top frames from Sotheby's December Old Master sales, giving their full descriptions and their influence on the paintings.


Reframing THOMAS LAWRENCE'S Portrait of Charlotte and Sarah Cateret-Hardy (1801), for the Cleveland Museum of Art

Posted: 18 Sep 2016 by PML

In the course of evaluating the frames in the Collection, the Associate Curator of European Art, Dr. Cory Korkow, and colleagues determined that the Lawrence double portrait should be presented in a contemporary British period setting...


FRAME HISTORY: The Cassetta, Part 1

Posted: 27 May 2016 by PML

The cassetta is the most fundamental frame design, on which practically every other genre or pattern is based. It is usually translated, lazily, as a 'box' frame, which doesn't describe it at all. It could be more accurately called an 'encasing' frame, like a casement window; a rectangular border with a very simple cross section, usually with a flat central frieze surrounded on each side by mouldings.


Framing CARAVAGGIO'S The Crucifixion of St Andrew, Cleveland Museum of Art

Posted: 20 May 2016 by PML

This dramatic work is among the most important paintings at the Cleveland Museum of Art, and its conservation and re-framing had long been anticipated.


Two frames loaned to Sotheby's for their 19th Century European Paintings Sale

Posted: 16 May 2016 by PML

On request, Paul Mitchell were able to offer suitable frames for the following works during Sotheby's London 19th Century European Paintings sale in May:


Reframing a 'Winter Landscape' by Jacob van Ruisdael, Birmingham Museum of Art

Posted: 13 May 2016 by PML

Robert Schindler, Curator of European Art at Birmingham Museum of Art, Alabama, approached us about reframing their Winter Landscape by Jacob van Ruisdael.


FRAMING BONNARD’S La charmille, 1901

Posted: 11 May 2016 by Paul Mitchell

This small, striking work was recently purchased at auction by a Private Collector in a deadening pastiche Louis XIV frame. Removing this you could feel the painting give a sigh of relief ...

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